Want to standout at work? This Harvard career advisor has 5 tips for you that you just can’t go wrong with


One of the most important aspects of a professional setting for employees is to make sure they standout for their excellent work standards and performance. However, they most certainly don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb either. So, how to translate that into action that can bear fruit? Gorick Ng, a Harvard career advisor has a number of tips for employees that will make sure they are noticed for the right things they do and thereby put them on the fast-track to a successful career. Notably, it will mean going out and having to do things that many may not be comfortable with, but it is required in a professional setting for all those who want to progress and quickly at that.

Now Gorick has, what he refers to as, “Three Cs”, and employees should make sure they demonstrate these to make an impact. In a report on CNBC Make it, he has revealed what these ‘Three Cs’ are: Competent enough to be trustedCommitted enough to be invested inCompatible enough to be a team player

These he has translated into some “actionable” templates and that involve the use of certain “phrases”.

* ‘What are your top priorities?’ Most employees, as soon as they get a job, hunker down on their desktops and get to work on the tasks allotted to them. However, those who are successful professionals, quickly figure out what is important to “those who matter”. Ideally, you should be committed to the goals that matter to your manager. Employees should be flexible enough to change their attitudes and work behaviour accordingly.

* ‘Would it be helpful if I__?’ From the very start of your career, don’t wait to be told what to do. Go beyond that as soon as possible. The next stage is to become helpful to others. So, you must ask this question mentioned above. In effect, you are showing that you are thinking not just about yourself but also the team.

* ‘Mind if I join__?’ You need to focus on what is happening around the office and then ask the manager or whoever is responsible this question. Even if they say no, you will still be leaving a lasting impact on their minds about your willingness to take on more work, and power growth for the company.

* ‘How does __ work?’ Understand how and why things work. You will be given certain tasks, but understand how these fit into the organisational setup. If you ask this question, the manager will understand that you want to know about the ‘big picture’ even as you work on a small part of it.

* ‘The key takeaway is…?’ Always try to get to the point and explain. Under no circumstance must you ramble on and on. It will signal that you have done your home work are up to date with the current situation and have the data at hand to do something about it.


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