Money Matters
When you are interviewing for a job, often times the interviewer will ask you if you have a “salary demand”. You need to do research and figure out the salary range for the position and experience level that you are interviewing for otherwise you will not get the salary that you most desire for that position. It is good to know so you can bargain and see how valuable you are for the position. Ask friends and connections around to see what the fair pay is for the position.
Nobody Really Knows What They Are Doing
This is something you should take into consideration. Every one is still learning just like you, even as higher ups. It is great to have a vision of being as successful as the people higher than you in the working world but even they are not grown up and still have a lot of learning to do. Everyone is still somewhat clueless in any position.
You Have To Look Out For Yourself
You may be a hard worker, have a good attitude, take direction, are always on time to work, and a team player, but that is not always going to get you ahead. You will not be able to just sit at your desk and shine and wait for someone to notice you to give you a promotion. In the work world you have to ask for what you want. People are always busy working on getting to the next rung of the ladder.
You’re Ideas Matter
Sometimes it’s hard for us to speak up and say what is on our mind and gives ideas because we think we are not smart enough and that no one will listen to us. In the work world, if you have an idea, it is very important that you stop second-guessing it and put yourself out there, because in the end it will be proposed by a colleague and implemented in the company or by a competing company. No idea is a bad idea, just remember that!
The best jobs you’ll have come from those you know not what you know. It is important to have networking skills that will allow you to expand your knowledge if something were to happen to your company and you were out of a job. Attend events for young professionals and get out there. Make conversations, because you never know who can get you to where you want to be.
Don’t Be Afraid To Leave
A common problem for young professionals is that they are scared of the unknown, leaving them stuck at a job that they hate with colleagues and bosses who suck. While you can before you have ties that hold you back from up and leaving; like a family, kids, or a mortgage, get out of there. There is so much out there that is a better fit to make you happy!
It’s Easier Than You Think
Although growing up can be a scary adventure, it is easier than you think. You just need to put your mind to it and have a desire for success. Dream big and prove yourself to the world and become an indispensable asset to your employer so you can get ahead. It doesn’t always start out the way you want it but you have to get through the answering phone calls phase. It takes time. Focus on being the best in your current situation!