Retirement can be the start of an exciting chapter in people’s lives, but some struggle with the changes that come after losing the routine and structure of day-to-day work life. Experts offer tips on how to stay engaged and connected as you move through retirement.
1. Get your finances in order
Experts suggest your retirement income should be well over 50 per cent of your pre-retirement annual income, so it’s important to know exactly how much you have to live on at retirement. Gather all pensions from jobs you’ve had through the years, into one pot. And put together a budget so you know what you’ll need to live on each month–food, medical equipment, housing etc.
2. Routine
While it may not include waking up at 6 a.m. anymore, having a routine can help bring structure and purpose to the day.
3. Travel
Experts say travel is one of the best ways to enjoy the hard-earned time and cash after a life of working. Write a bucket list of all the places you want to see in the world and then work trips into your annual budget. Rent a motorhome to travel your own country, or grab a flight to wherever your heart desires!
4. Volunteer
Volunteering not only feels great because you’re giving back to your community, but it is a great way to keep sociable. Definitely slate in time for volunteering in your retirement years, say experts.
5. Join a fitness club
Staying active as you get older is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It can prevent health problems as well as keep your muscles strong to ensure you can be as independent as possible. A great way to stay active is by joining a fitness club. It will not only get you out, but you’ll also meet like-minded people.
6. Learn something new
Studies show that learning in later years can help people stay independent, so why not use your free time to continue to challenge yourself mentally, whether it’s learning an instrument or a language?
7. Join or start a book club
A book club is a great way to meet new people who share a common interest and to read more. If you don’t have a local book club, why not set up your own! You can use social media, flyers, or just word of mouth to start, and then you just need to select a great book to get everyone talking.
8. Plan to see friends and family
Whether you are looking after the grandchildren during the day, or you plan to have lunch with an old friend, this is the perfect time to reconnect with the most important people in your life.
9. Adopt a pet
The companionship of a furry friend can be as beneficial as that of another human being, and if your pet is coming from a shelter, they’ll more than likely be in need of a loving home. If you’re unable to take on the responsibility of owning a pet full time, you can usually foster a dog from an animal rescue organization until they find their forever home.
10. Enjoy your downtime
Ensure you schedule has some down time every week and enjoy having nothing to do.