Financial Hacks in your 20’s


Stop Eating Out
Go grocery shopping and make your meals at home. It will save you from putting a dent in your bank account. It may be inconvenient and take a lot of time but you wont regret it when you can start putting some money in your savings. Give your wallet a break from eating out.

It’s better to splurge than to fulfill instant gratification
The more you spend on things just to spend the less you will have at the end of the month. It is better to know you want one specific thing and earn it rather then continuously buying cheap stuff that wont last long.

Take Care of Hospital Debt
Pay off any outstanding hospital debt that you may have before it drags your credit score down.

After graduating, it is normal to have little in your savings, we all get it, it’s a tough world out there. But having a savings in your late 20’s will give you financial safety and less stress. Saving is so important for your future.

Be financially dependent on yourself not your significant other
It may seem like the easy way to reduce stress and all that life throws at you to rely on your significant other financially if he/she is making significantly more money, but it is not a good idea.

Be Smart About Student Loans
Set up automatic payments on your student loans because if you miss a payment. Fees will go through the roof.


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