8 ways to manifest growth and success in your life and career


“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” – Elon Musk

We all manifest success in our lives. Billionaire entrepreneur Musk, who offered to buy Twitter and is the wealthiest person alive, is no different. He has achieved astounding success in every venture he took on. The question is how. I believe it’s the law of attraction that worked for Musk. It was not luck but rather the manifestation of his dreams and goals that came true with ambition, a thirst for adventure, risk-taking capacity, and sheer hard work.

The expression ‘to manifest’ means creating something or turning something from an idea into reality. It means the energy we exude will attract the same kind of energy back and lead to the fulfilment of our dreams. To manifest something is to focus on one thing until it is ours; whatever we are manifesting is bound to come our way. Working professionals can use this simple technique for career growth and to achieve their goals – land that dream job, get a promotion, achieve success in a business venture, and more.

Here are eight ways to help you manifest your goals and achieve whatever you set your mind on:

Figure out your dream job: Before you start manifesting growth, you must first decide and understand your career interests and goals. This insight will give you a sense of fulfilment and success in your chosen profession. A significant problem the young generation faces today is that they have many interests and not enough knowledge on how to monetise those interests. Identifying your domain or dream job will help you make a well-informed career decision.

It means that you are pursuing a career that requires your talents and aligns with your values and preferences. You can do interest assessments which usually ask a series of questions about what you like and don’t like, thus matching your career likes and dislikes. When you choose a job that matches your overall interests, you are more likely to enjoy it and be successful.

Write down or visualise your goals: Write down your goal and then visualise yourself achieving it. Writing down your plan helps you get a clear picture of what you wish to achieve. A better way would be to imagine the goal on a vision board or through images. You will begin to feel as if you have already manifested your goal.

Take proactive steps: If you need to upskill for a specific job profile, get proactive by enlisting for relevant courses or programmes and gaining knowledge and expertise. You can opt for a loan or credit to fund your training, which will benefit you during your career lifetime. You can take an education loan and get tax benefits on the courses you enrol in – you can claim a deduction on interest paid on loan under section 80E of the I-T Act.

Choose affirmations: Having a positive mental attitude is crucial in any career. It leads to better health, more energy, a higher chance of success and happier life. One way to develop the right attitude is to utter positive affirmations. It can help you dispel negative thoughts and focus all your positive energy on achieving your goals when done consistently. Affirmations also help reprogram your mind and eliminate self-limiting beliefs. Success, after all, is an inner mind game: if you can see yourself as someone who achieves anything they set their mind on, chances are you will become that person.

Evolve your mindset: To manifest a dream job or secure your future, you have to balance the scales vis-à-vis positive thoughts. One way is to practice the ‘bounce’ method, where you bounce off or replace every negative thought with a positive one. Instead of thinking, ‘I haven’t stopped working all day. This job totally sucks,’ try saying, ‘This has been a productive day, and I am happy with all I have achieved.’ Your mindset will go a long way in pushing you towards growth and success.

Use past mistakes as motivation: Whatever happened in your past, embrace it and move on. Ignoring or suppressing your past experiences at work or in personal life will likely keep you from growing to your potential. Accept your mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow. The prospect of learning from mistakes can be a substantial motivating factor in your career.

Be grateful: Gratitude is one of the healthiest emotions you can experience and is enormously helpful in the manifestation of your goals. The Law of Attraction says that you attract what you focus on with a positive thought and energy, bringing positive results. At the same time, be grateful for the good that has happened to you, both personally and professionally.

Find good mentors: An effective mentor can professionally guide the mentee through a friendly and supportive relationship. A mentor should always have the mentee’s best interests in mind and tailor their mentorship style to meet the mentee’s needs. To manifest growth, find an experienced mentor in your network or industry, ideally one with the same values as you and who can help you reach your desired goals.

Manifesting is about turning dreams into reality. It will not happen overnight and certainly not without effort and hard work. But first, you need to be proactive and work towards achieving whatever you desire. These eight lessons on manifesting growth and success are a small investment for something that can profoundly impact your life.


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