Valuable Networking Related Advice For Job Seekers


When it comes to hunting for a job, it’s all about who are the people that you know. So, how can one network effectively for the growth of their very own career? Here’s some advice that will make you reach the top.

Do your homework: before you decide to go to a networking event, look up the kind of event it is, the guests of honour as well as the attendees. You can also do a little research (with the help of any social networking site) on the people you’d absolutely love to meet. Determine the needs that you have and then create realistic goals for the particular event. You can also Prepare a little introduction speech that is going to highlight your best qualities in a subtle way. And don’t just forget to bring the big bunch of business cards you have.

During the event, you need to adopt a positive attitude and go socialise with everyone, meet people. If you think that they are going to hate being approached first then you are wrong. Approach and tell them the ways in which you can help them, rather than seeing what are the profits you can gain from them. The key is to ask them about themselves first, with serious questions about their field and the various needs. However, make sure that you do not monopolize them — keep all the conversations to less than 15 minutes.

Follow up, ideally starting the very next day. Send out a formal email thanking the people that you have talked to and use their needs as an excuse whenever you can do it. Above everything else, make sure you stay in touch with them in order to maintain proper network: share a very interesting article or a new job offer. You can also invite the person to other networking events that are taking place and find differnet ways to be helpful.


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