How Early Should One Arrive For A Job Interview?


While the day is going to be one of the toughest and the most memorable one in your life, you must not let tension take away the confidence you have. And to boost your confidence, arriving on time will help that. But what is the right time to arrive at an interview? Well, we know the best time to.

15 minutes early is the best time to arrive

The experts that have been in the process of hiring for years have all agreed that arriving precisely 15 minutes prior to the interview is the best timing. It shows the interviewer that you are ready for the job, eager to face the challenges and you are game for whatever hurdle lies ahead in your endeavor. Plus not just that there are various processes involved prior to any interview. You need to be checked in, picked up from the reception. If you are late then it will simply add to the ongoing interview stress that you are having.

Arriving late, however, is a big no-no for interviews. It leaves the worst impression possible about you on the company. But one thing to keep in mind is that, don’t arrive too early for the job interview. If you arrive more than 15 minutes early then your interviewer might feel like he or she is being rushed and that will not put them in a good mindset. It also shows that maybe you are too desperate to get the job and will go to any lengths to get it. So even if you arrive at your destination an hour earlier, make sure you wait outside and enter the premises right when there is 15 minutes left for your interview to start. This will have the best impression in favor of you.


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